by Morgan Solomon | May 5, 2023 | Wills, Wills and Estates
A challenge to a Will when you are an executor – what the process looks like and what you need to know BY SHARE ARTICLE Being an executor is a difficult job. We see executors who are suddenly (and reluctantly) thrust into legal proceedings every day. If you are Brandon Hetherington | Mar 31, 2023 | Wills, Wills and Estates
Testamentary Capacity – An Update BY SHARE ARTICLE A recent decision of the WA Supreme Court confirms that you can still make a valid will even though you may have already been diagnosed with dementia. We have previously written about testamentary capacity Solomon Hollett Lawyers | Mar 1, 2023 | Wills and Estates
8 types of trusts in Australia BY SHARE ARTICLE Trusts are a common way of organising and dealing with finances within and between families, businesses, corporations and even governments. When it comes to investments, planning, and transferring wealth, a trust Morgan Solomon | Feb 23, 2023 | Wills, Wills and Estates
What happens if you die without a Will in Australia? BY SHARE ARTICLE Making a Will is not always an easy task. For some, it’s a sensitive issue that we’d rather not contemplate. For others, the costs seem too high, or they simply don’t dedicate the time Brandon Hetherington | Dec 14, 2022 | Wills and Estates
Family Provision claims and grandchildren in WA BY SHARE ARTICLE We do a lot of estate litigation, acting for both claimants and defendants- and over the last 12 months, we’ve noticed an increase in the number of Family Provision Act claims being made. But Brandon Hetherington | Sep 9, 2022 | Wills, Wills and Estates
Cost of Making a Will with a Lawyer in Western Australia BY SHARE ARTICLE Tailoring and creating a Will is one of the most important and generous things you can do for those close to you. While it’s a smart choice to have this settled well in advance, it’s no secret...Book your free 15 min consultation
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