It goes without saying that Solomon Hollett Lawyers respects your privacy, we understand just how important it is to protect your personal information. We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) which means we are obligated to have and share with you our policies and procedures we have in place to protect the personal information we collect about you. The information below sets out our privacy policy, our ethos and the steps we go to, to ensure compliance and best practice. We also comply with the SPAM Act 2003 which regulates the sending of marketing emails, and we also comply with the latest amendments to privacy in the collection of our client data. Further, our professional obligations also include confidentiality.
Solomon Hollett Lawyers acknowledges that any personal information we collect about you will only be used for the purposes we have collected it or as allowed by law. We take our responsibilities in this arena very seriously, our clients can be confident that any personal information we hold will be protected at all times.
Please note we may update or amend this policy to further improve it at any time, with any changes being published here on our website, keeping you informed.
Your information
As a legal practice, it is of course necessary for us to collect information from our clients, contacts or authorised representatives that could be personal, sensitive or of a confidential nature. Where appropriate we will endeavour to inform you as to the purpose of the collection of this personal information and how we plan to use it. If any of our clients are unclear at any stage as to why we are collecting this data we encourage them to ask at any time. This information could include your contact details, date of birth, employment details, your experience in particular fields and any of your interests. In some cases we may look to collect information regarding your personal circumstances, family relationships and financial information in the course of providing legal services to you and enabling us to advise clients on the right course of action and act on their behalf. We may store this information electronically and or in hard copy. We may also collect personal information from you for the purposes of better managing our relationship with you and from time to time we may offer you other products and services if we deem these appropriate. Only where necessary and appropriate does the firm disclose your information to others, such as in court proceedings where it is in our clients’ best interests or where we are required to by law. It is important for us that our clients have high levels of trust in us when it comes to our handling of your information, and we remind clients that our firm is also bound by the Legal Profession Act of 2008 in Western Australia. For further information on the management of personal information we hold, or if you believe a breach of privacy has occurred, please contact us immediately.
How we use your information
We use your information to provide you with our services, and to improve our services. This includes ensuring the information on our website is effective, secure and relevant to you, keeping you up to date with information and services, to better manage our relationships with our clients, for research and planning purposes and to comply with certain laws or regulations or in some cases even with best practice. Solomon Hollett Lawyers treats and protects any information we receive in accordance with our professional obligations of confidentiality and legal professional privilege. When it comes to information we collect from you from our website, we generally only collect this information when it is supplied by you when you fill in a form to subscribe or receive information regarding our services, the legal practice or one of the seminars or events we hold. When you visit our site, our Internet Service Provider does also collect generic and anonymous information such as your internet address and the date and time of your visit to the site, what pages you visit and what documents you download, all of which help us with the analysis of our site and how we can continue to improve it to aid our clients.
Direct marketing
Solomon Hollett Lawyers are committed to our clients and the highest levels of customer servicing and management of their affairs. From time to time we may use your personal information to provide you with current information about the legal landscape, updates to legislation that may impact you, changes to our organisation or new services or products that may assist you. If you do not wish to receive such marketing information, you may at any time decline to receive the information simply by emailing us at or you can unsubscribe from the emails you may be receiving. Any requests to be removed from our direct marketing initiatives will not be charged for, and will be dealt with within a reasonable timeframe.
Disclosure of your information
Again, as with any legal practice, in the provision of our services to you it may be required from time to time for us to disclose information obtained about you to organisations or individuals such as barristers, solicitors, accountants, insurers, collection agents, conveyancers, regulatory bodies, government agencies, third party business providers or alike, both here in Australia and overseas where necessary. It is important to us that you recognise such information is only disclosed to enable us provide or improve our legal services or management of you as our client and that we do not trade in our rent out this information. Where any information is disclosed outside of Australia, whilst these third parties will often be subject to their own privacy and confidentiality obligations, you accept that where lawful such obligations may differ from those in Australia and that in these cases you may not be able to seek redress.
Use of cookies and enhanced conversions
Like most websites, our site uses cookies (a Google Analytics tool) and other similar technologies. A cookie is an indicator of a visit given to your web browser by our web servers which is sent back to the server each time that particular browser requests a page from the server when that sits is visited. Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users when you are on our site helping us to measure usage sessions accurately, and helping us to improve our website ensuring it’s a better experience for you. We make limited use of cookies on our website to assist in understanding better where our digital traffic is coming from and allowing us to improve the functionality of our site. If you would prefer to disable the cookie functionality you may be able to change the settings of your internet browser to block all cookies or to advise you each time one is sent to your computer allowing you to accept or block this functionality.
Our website also uses Google’s enhanced conversions feature. This function sends hashed tagged first-party conversation data from our website to Google in a privacy-safe way. The feature uses a secure one-way hashing algorithm called SHA256 on your first-party data, such as email addresses, before sending to Google. In simple terms, this means your first-party data, such as email addresses, are not visible to Google, but Google is able to use the hashed data received to match to their data. This feature allows us to better understand where our digital traffic is coming from and allows us to improve the functionality of our site.
Storage and security
We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information by storing it in secure environments and facilities. This applies to the storage of your information whether it be electronic or hardcopy form, or both. We also take reasonable steps to protect your information from misuse, loss, unlawful access or alteration and disclosure. Please note that if you use the internet to send us information such as your email address it is sent at your own risk, and that we are not responsible for the privacy practices or security of data collected by other websites that may be referenced or linked from our own.
Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to request access to the personal information we hold about you. If you would like to access any of the personal information we hold about you, simply contact us and we will respond to you within 30 days of receiving your request. The 30 day period gives us the ability to contact other entities to properly investigate and fulfil your request where appropriate. Please note there may be an occasion where we are unable to give you access to personal information if it breaches the Australian Privacy Act, such as a breach of another person’s privacy rights or if the information relates to other legal proceedings or if the request is vexatious. If for any reason your request is denied, you will be provided with an explanation setting out the reasons the request was not enabled.
Accuracy of your information
It is important to us that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. If you’d like to make any changes or amends to the information we hold please contact us, we encourage all clients to ensure any updates to their personal information are communicated with us. From time to time we may contact you to ensure we still hold the correct information for you during the course of our relationship with you.
We encourage contact with our firm if you believe for any reason we have failed to meet our privacy obligations or have in any way breached your privacy rights. Please do so by contacting us in writing via our contact details contained within this website. We will then review your complaint, review our conduct and or practices, consider appropriate action and contact you within 30 days of the complaint being received. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with our response, you may submit a complaint through to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at
Changes to this Policy
At any time we may change or update this policy without notice to you. Please note that you accept these changes by continuing to use our website and take advantage of our services.